Thursday, August 13, 2009

Perches have been on my wish list for a long time now. Earlier this year I had a bug up my butt to find a way to make them myself. It wasn't easy and I never did get around to even begin buying the tools that I would need or the supplies, but I did at least figure out a few things that could easily get me started. Unfortunately they were ugly. I mean...FUGLEH.
It was really discouraging especially when Rigid and I started arguing in the middle of the store. Clearly one of us needed tea and the other needed to eat. Suffice it to say that the project never got started. Instead I bought supplies to make a frame. I never did get around to making the frame either. I was going to work on making my own picture frame. I even bought a way. The wood and saw are all still sitting there in the garage waiting for me to get around to it, but nothing. So why do I complain when I buy Rigid a guitar only to find that he's not interested in learning to play that guitar after all. I mean, you ask for a guitar, beg for it in fact then let it sit there when you get it. It's gathering dust in a corner of the house somewhere...
Alright that's enough complaining. The perches were what I wanted to discuss here. These are the cutest I've seen so far though I wouldn't be okay with the fur lining since the cat hair will just get completely stuck in there and will eventually be impossible to remove. Plus really....can you see me adding more material to my walls? Talk about an allergen trap. I'd be taking shallow breaths before you can count to 10. What a fantastic idea though and it looks as if it would be really easy to attach to the wall too

Itchynee is where you'll find these lovely furry cat perches. Look at that picture up there. That cat looks like it's having a blast, but would it be able to withstand the load from 5 cats? Not that they'd bombard it all at the same time just that...well, they can be a little rough, especially Grendel the youngest and largest of them all. He's also the only male. Eek...

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