Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Grapple = Apple + Grape

Grapple = Apple + Grape
Originally uploaded by Nicole Lee

i had to save this email on the regarding the GREAT GRAPPLE CONTROVERSY!!!!

sent to liz, mel & virg:


A quote on some blog:

"Have you heard about the Grapple (pronounced, we are told, Grape-L)? It is pitched as a cross between an apple and a grape - a sort of hybridized grape apple, or apple grape. How could they mix an apple and a grape? Well, best as I can tell, it's an apple sprayed, or perhaps laced, with grape flavor. And, it's not worth it. Read on."

Tisk tisk elizabeth… trying to give us fake hybrids! They’re not hybrids at all. You should be humiliated!

Stupid frake grapple’s!! geez, I really still want to try it though. Lmfao!!!

end email

so, liz came to me and told me about this great grape/apple hybrid. and i wondered how in the world... i figured it was genetically impossible, but you know not really. stranger things have been known to happen. turns out it's not a genetic thing, but a flavor thing. i don't know why i'm still on this subject. i'm avoiding studying that's for sure, but you know me... overdo everything that get's me absolutely no where in the end.

the grapple process:

How Is A Grāpple® Brand Apple Made?

Grāpple® brand apples begin either as Washington Extra Fancy Gala or Fuji Apples, depending upon the season. These "premium apples" are the ones that take on the grape flavor best. This Patent Pending process is complex and the ingredient mix primarily includes concentrated grape flavor and pure water. All ingredients are USDA and FDA approved and the process has been licensed by the Washington State Department of Agriculture.

There is nothing but flavor being infused into the apple. A relaxing bathing process prepares our apples for you or your kids. The apple takes on no additional sugars or calories. They are not genetically altered in any way. The apple is as healthy as ever but now has the new exciting grape flavor. The process is better explained by the Food Network's "Unwrapped" show entitled "Grapeful". Check your local listings or click here to find out the next time it is on in your area.
Apples are a fantastic snack. Grapes are a wonderful snack. Try a Grāpple® brand apple today, and enjoy the best of both of them in one!

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